After passing his exam by the Düsseldorf Chamber of Commerce, Jochen Felix Voss was empowered by the Cologne Higher Regional Court to certify the accuracy of translations. For nearly twenty-five years, from 1986 until 2010, he provided certified translations for private and commercial clients. Following a change in the North Rhine-Westphalian law, all previous empowerments of all translators lapsed on 31 December 2010.
As certified translations were no longer part of our core business, he decided against renewing his empowerment.
Of course, we understand that some clients are initially concerned when they entrust somebody else with sensitive information. Yet for us, it is completely normal to translate things of which apart from us, hardly anybody has any knowledge – be it a planned merger, the purchase or sale of a real estate portfolio, the assessment of an employee or the discovery of a new pharmaceutical active ingredient.
Translators, just like doctors, architects, lawyers and others providing professional services, are experts which enjoy a special relationship of trust between the service provider and the client. So just like your doctor or your lawyer should be fully informed so that he or she can help you, also your translator needs to be told what he or she needs to know to provide a quality service.
It goes without saying that we will sign a confidentiality agreement.